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Bienvenidos/as, boas-vindas, and welcome to the HCIAS Blog

Dear reader, whether you have found our scientific blog through interest or by happenchance, we are happy that you are here. We are excited to kick off the HCIAS Blog, Perspectives on Ibero-America, which aims to create an interdisciplinary space for knowledge transfer at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) of Heidelberg University. This blog will contain contributions presenting the findings of research conducted by HCIAS scholars on the social, cultural, and environmental realities of Ibero-America from different perspectives of the social sciences and the humanities.

The main objective of Ibero-American Studies is to better understand Ibero-America, its societies, and its natural and cultural spaces. Established researchers, doctoral students of the HCIAS Ph.D. program, and young researchers will contribute to this collaborative project in order to communicate the results of ongoing scientific research at the HCIAS. With the goal of reaching a wider audience, blog entries will be in Spanish, Portuguese, and English and will be written in clear and accessible language.

Ibero-America is undergoing constant transformations at multiple levels, having an ever-evolving effect on its societies. We hope that the contributions to this interdisciplinary space will promote the exchange of perspectives on the dynamics driven by global, regional, and local changes affecting the region. We invite you to follow this blog to stay up to date on the newest HCIAS publications and scientific events every week.

HCIAS Blog Team

Héctor Álvarez Mella, Maria Angel Orjuela and Ingrid Lorena Villate Moncaleano


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HCIAS Blog (July 26, 2022). Bienvenidos/as, boas-vindas, and welcome to the HCIAS Blog. HCIAS Blog. Retrieved February 9, 2025 from

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