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Transnational experiences: how does migration shape identities?

Transnational experiences is a podcast were we will talk about our own experiences as migrants and descendants of migrants, to do so we would like to answer the following questions:

● How did transnational movements and migration affected us?

● What was and is the impact on our identities?

● How do we cope with these experiences?

The personal and familiar history of us three has much to do with migration and even though some of us are more privileged than others in terms of mobility, education, and economic possibilities, we, as migrants or the descendants of them, stay interconnected to help each other.

To support our arguments, we will include helpful concepts from the fields of Sociolinguistics, as well as Migration Studies, following a structure in which we describe our own experiences and then reflect upon them. In doing so we are making connections with theoretical ideas of cultural heritage, language and power structures. These are very important topics for migrants and their descendants.

We think that our experiences as migrants and descendants of migrants could be meaningful to others that live in Germany or other migrant receiving countries. Combining our own experiences with theoretical insights could be an important contribution to the research done in this area.

We hope you enjoy our podcast and if you find it compelling and interesting, don’t hesitate to share it with friends and family!


Andrés Anguiano Castillejos

IÜD master’s student

Julia Bouquet

IÜD master’s student

Marc Joan Bartosch

HCIAS master’s student

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HCIAS Blog (December 19, 2022). Transnational experiences: how does migration shape identities? HCIAS Blog. Retrieved February 9, 2025 from